Script blocking on linked site

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Script blocking on linked site

Post by Frewy »

Can NoScript be configured so that when a website posts data to another domain that second domain isn't blocked, for example when sending data to a payment gateway or registration information to a booking company? I have been caught out a number of times when I have submitted payment or registration details to a website that is white-listed and which has sent the data to a second domain. When the transaction process moves me to a web page on the second domain NoScript blocks that site and I am stuck halfway through the payment or registration process with no way of rectifying the situation. Any attempt to change NoScript settings at this point causes the page to reload and the data to be posted a second time which causes further problems.
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Re: Script blocking on linked site

Post by therube »

That can be a tricky one, cause you may not realize that the second domain is going to be needed until you hit the "Confirm" button (to place your order or whatever the case may be).

I've had that occur a couple times. Hopefully I be cognizant of that fact so that I'll allow the second domain ahead of time, next time. Or at the least, I'll be mindful that can happen, so when I know I'm placing an order, before I get too far along in the process, I'll take a peek & see what domains may not be currently allowed, & allowing ones that may be needed before running into problems.

(Sometimes a site will use a third-party credit card verification process.)
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