RFE: Custom presets

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RFE: Custom presets

Post by barbaz »

Just updated NoScript from 11.2.25rc2 to 11.3.3rc3, and ran into this - viewtopic.php?f=7&t=26537&p=105079#p105078
None of the sites I have set to CUSTOM have any business accessing my local network, so I had to manually go through the hundreds of sites' permissions, find every CUSTOM, and turn the LAN permission off about 20 different times for each of 20 different CUSTOM entries.

Almost all of my CUSTOM entries have the exact same permissions. The process of changing these sites' permissions could be simplified if it were possible to create CUSTOM presets, maybe available in a drop-down arrow on the right of CUSTOM button after that option is selected. Then sites could be associated with the preset. Maybe they could be displayed as "CUSTOM (PresetName)" (I think the label shouldn't extend the button length, but should be cut off at the end of the button).

This would have at least two significant benefits:
- It would simplify setting sites to a specific frequently-used permission set.
- No more manual sifting through long lists or clicking 100 times to update permissions: with this RFE it would be just one change, in one easy-to-find place, and you're done.

I know this will likely be postponed until during or after the planned UI redesign, but would appreciate this being added to the list. Thanks!
*Always* check the changelogs BEFORE updating that important software!
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