FlashGot media

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FlashGot media

Post by mcguirejw »

I have used FlashGot for a year or more and it works great. My single problem is this: Ordinarily I can download videos without any problems. But often when I want to download a video instead of downloading that video the software lists several others, usually between 2 and maybe 5 or 6. Some may be videos I had watched but others are not. Of course I have no easy way to read through the list FlashGot generates to figure out which is the one I want. Sometimes simply closing Firefox and restarting it solves the problem (now leaving me to figure out how to get back to the 1 video I wanted. I can live with having to download the video I want along with 5-6 others I don't want and then deleting the unwanted ones. Time consuming but not a deal breaker. Most recently after being online for maybe 15 minutes and downloading 1 video I tried to download another. This time Flashgot told me that it was ready to save 33 videos! Good Lord! Yes, 33! Is there a way to clear whatever memory bank Flashgot uses to come up with a list of what it is ready to download? Or in other words, how can I limit FlashGot to downloading the one video I want? Thanks!
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Re: FlashGot media

Post by mcguirejw »

Well, I see that I joined this forum almost 3 years ago. So I have been using the software for at least that long!
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Re: FlashGot media

Post by Thrawn »

mcguirejw wrote:Is there a way to clear whatever memory bank Flashgot uses to come up with a list of what it is ready to download?
FlashGot should show you whatever media are present on the current page? IIUC it doesn't just keep track of everything you've seen.
Or in other words, how can I limit FlashGot to downloading the one video I want? Thanks!
You should be able to de-select the items it displays.
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Re: FlashGot media

Post by therube »

But often when I want to download a video instead of downloading that video the software lists several others, usually between 2 and maybe 5 or 6.
Sample URLs where this happens.

If the FlashGot Media list gets "gummed up" (multiple clips being listed - which is possible... thinking maybe it was on vk.com, as you scroll down the "wall", when you get to a clip it plays, then you scroll further & then next one plays...) there is a "Clear List" (type of) entry (on a right-click) of the FM icon.

(You would have to clear the list prior to getting to the next clip that you may want.)

Likewise on some sites FM may register multiple "hits" (to the same file), but only one may be valid. (If one file lists a file size & one does not, it is almost always the one that lists the size that is the valid one.)

Right-click of the FM icon allows individual file selection rather then a left-click which will pick up everything that may have been "found".
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